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GizmoCall, Make Free Calls Anywhere

| | Sunday, November 22, 2009

Recently, I planned to start a Site Reviewing thingy where I shall be introducing new and undiscovered sites. The reason is that the web is too large for everyone to surf and people usually miss a lot of cool web sites so I personally think it is a good way to share great find

Today I shall be reviewing GizmoCall.com


GizmoCall.com is a part of the Gizmo Project and its a has been designed specifically for a web-to-call Activity.


The best feature of GizmoCall is that it is very easy to use. It has got a use-friendly interface. All you need to use it is to have a good browser like Firefox or Idiot Explorer Internet Explorer. It works anywhere. All you need to do is download a very small 1 MB Flash plugin to get it started. You can make Free Calls anywhere e.g. To any landline number in the world, any mobile number, any gmail ID or even any Gizmo Project ID. Once you download and install the Flash plugin you dont need to even visit the site again and again to make calls. just enter your number in the browser as 'gizmocall.com/xxxxxxxxxxx' and it will automatically make the call (where 'xxxxxxxxxxx' is the number you want to call). Also you can make personalized 'Call Me' Links. I must mention again that its all Free. The bad features are that you can only make up to 10 mins of free calls per day and 30 mins of free calls per week. And there is no payed service till now.


  • Make Free Calls Anywhere
  • Easy To Use
  • Make Calls to any mobile number, landline number, gmail ID, or Gizmo Project ID.
  • Easily create 'Call Me' shortcut links
  • Fast Loading


  • Only 10 mins of free calls allowed per day
  • Only 30 mins of free calls allowed per week
  • Plugin needs to be activated every time you make a call

GizmoCall Now




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